Friday, December 21, 2007

WordPlay & NumberFun

Finished your homework? Looking for something fun to do? Visit the sites below to improve your spelling, vocabulary, writing and math skills. (Be warned - spending time at the sites below will make you smarter! You'll have fun, too.)

Free Rice
For every word you get right as you play this vocabulary game, Free Rice, a sister site of, will donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations World Food Programme to help end world hunger. Just think of it - you'll be helping others AND having fun- at the same time! the Site that Swims with Learning Fun!
Visit this site to find an outstanding selection of math, reading & language, and other games, as well as resources for teachers and parents, technology tutorials, and much more.

Linguaphiles, rejoice! Subscribe to A.Word.A.Day, and receive one entertaining and informative e-mail message each day, including information about the origin of the featured word, its definition(s), and an example of its use in a sentence. Each week's words are connected by theme - recent examples include "words related to food", "words named after people", and "slang/informal terms". (Finally - e-mail you can look forward to!)

Check out Classic Funbrain's Plural Girls and Grammar Gorillas, and the Reading, Math and Flash Arcades.
Try Boggler, Word Morph, Crossword Helper, Scrabble, or any of the other games available at this site!

Interesting Things for ESL Students: A Fun Study Site for Learners of English as a Second Language

SuperKids Vocabulary Builders
Test your vocabulary skills by tackling the Word Puzzles, Word Scrambler, Mumbo Jumbo, and other games at this site!

Start at the Puzzle Playground, and continue your exploration of this terrific collection of puzzles, games and more.

East of the Web's Children's Short Stories and Wordgames

Sudoku: from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learn about this placement puzzle, based on logic (and known as "Number Place" in the United States), including its history, solution strategies, and the mathematics behind this wildly popular new challenge.

Daily SuDoku
This terrific site features logic puzzles for kids, as well as "classic" and "monster" puzzle challenges (each is rated easy, medium, hard or very hard). In addition to a new puzzle offered each day, an archive of the puzzles offered throughout the previous twelve months is also available.

Solving Sudoku
This site features solution tips for basic and more advanced puzzles.

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